What is S.T.E.A.M. Learning?
"Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I may Remember, Involve me and I will learn" - Benjamin Franklin
S.T.E.A.M. hands-on Kit follows this principle and provides an active way of learning Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Your children can built, play and learn these concepts in a fun and interesting manner. It is conceptualised to prepare your children to tackle the challenges of this fast developing world. We are entering a competitive era where we will have innovators who can understand what we need even before we need it. Hence it is important to cultivate our children's mind in multiple stream at an early age and make them Future ready! It is said that learning that happens in the age 0-8 casts a permanent impression on the life. So now is the time to trigger the innovative side in your little genius.
We innovate to educate
Funvention box contains simple to learn and interesting to play activities. It will channelize your child's energy in the correct direction and challenge them to think bigger. A variety of game play is provided in each activity box which will lead to their holistic development. Research says that play meets the physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social needs (PILES) of children. Children spent maximum time with their games and toys and these activities causes a direct impact on their personalities. Parents are like potters and it is our responsibility to mould them correctly. So will you hand them any random toy or let them play with this knowledge based activity? The choice is yours.
We at Funvention pride ourselves in making superior quality kits designed by Artist and Engineering experts to develop the skillset in your children. We dream of developing the creativity in this new generation and to grow them intellectually. We strive in making activities which will help your children rise upto their potential.
We research, innovate, develop and deliver. Just book a kit and be ready to make activities!
What we offer?

Science Learning Kits
Science can be a fascinating topic, and there are many great kits that make it easy for kids to run their own scientific experiments.
We keep adding more and more science learning based kits for kids. Since every child has different interests, it's a good idea to select products based on age.
They are equally educational and entertaining.

Do-It-Yourself Toys
Funvention products has unique quality. Each of the product either become working toy or an attractive showpiece model.
Kids enjoy and cherish the toys which they build themselves. Funvention DIY toys provide excellent learning while building the toy & an unique gaming experience once it is built.

Prime Models
These are little complex mechanical & Robotic models which are powered by either rubber-band mechanism or a battery operated motor modules. Built with high quality imported plywood which makes these models robust.
Designed with minute details and step by step instruction manual ads fun to assembly.

3D Puzzles & Coloring Models
These awesome 3D Coloring Models can plays different rolls as per kids interest. It’s a 3D Puzzle, Coloring Model, Working Toy & a Desk Organiser.
Use any color: Acrylic, watercolor, pencils or markers - you can use whatever you have.
Assembles easily: The model assembles like a puzzle with or without glue by following an illustrated color manual.
Desk Organizer: Keep your desk clean and attractive with these unique 3D models which have space to store your pen, pencil & markers
Re-usable write & wipe activities
Children's learn concepts well with reusable, easy to wipe activity sheets.

Educational Return Gifts - Party Pack
Make your kids birthday special with unique, innovative and educational products from Funvention.
Gift Smart to make the kids Smart: The trend of gifting simple toys is gone. Let’s gift them activities to enhance their knowledge and skill.
Gift a Smile: Kids are going to have loads of fun with these plays & learn activities inside. So watch them unwrap your gift with a smile!
Gifts to Boost Creativity: Draw them away from TV and smartphones and let them explore a world of creativity
Perfect Presents for all Occasions: Whether it’s a birthday party, happy holidays or awinning prize. Go ahead with these gifts and make a perfect choice.